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Ome Swarlipi mein Misrabani

Sangeetendu Prof. Lalmani Misra ki Tantri Rachanaen - 1
Dr. Ragini Trivedi
Type: Print Book
Genre: Music
Language: Hindi
Price: ₹840 + shipping
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The technique of using Mizrab- Bol-s, perfected by Dr. Lalmani Misra ( empowers string players to create compositions in any Raga and Tal. Dr. Misra composed over thousand Gat-s and his style is now known as Misrabani. To convey complex beauty of his compositions, involving Kan, Murki, repeat vibrations etc. with accuracy, digital notation system, Ome Swarlipi was created by his daughter and grandson. Five to seven compositions each in eight Raga-s like Asavari, Bhimpalasi, Durga, Malkosh, Bageshwari are given in the book with Tan and Toda in Vilambit, Madhya & Drut laya.
In her foreword to the book, Dr. Pushpa Basu, retired Professor & Head, Instrumental Music, BHU, recalls her association with Dr. Misra since her student days. Apart from an essay on Misrabani style, the chapter on digital notation system explains how to use Ome Swarlipi, with illustrations and listing of resources. This volume makes it easy for...

About the Author

Dr Ragini Trivedi started playing JalTarang while still in school; took up Sitar for higher studies and today is the sole exponent of Misrabani on Vichitra Veena. Apart from career of teaching and guiding research, she has performed widely on all three instruments and authored several books in Hindi and English. She innovated a system to write Indian music on computer with son, Terence Tuhinanshu, which is available for download on She invented easy-to-read-and-play notation system: Ome Swarlipi, which allows simple and elegant expression of Indian musical notes, mizrab-strokes and stretchable Meend and various other marks through computer keyboard. She writes in Hindi on, while articles in English are available on More details on

Book Details

ISBN: 9788195095001
Publisher: Omenad Publications
Number of Pages: 244
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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